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KHNI Q Science Shorts – Invisible Injury in Brain Health and the Role of Nutrition in Recovery

Published on: Jul 30 2021

Concussions, often called the ‘invisible injury’ because there are no apparent external symptoms, can affect people at all stages of life following an incident like a fall (elderly), heads banging in a school yard (children), or individuals of any age playing a sport. Sometimes it can be something completely innocuous that causes an impact to the head. Concussion can have short-term and long-term effects on the brain and body, often resulting is what is called a ‘cellular crisis’. The body has increased nutrition needs during this time, but currently there is no recommended nutrition therapy.

In this KHNI Q Science Short, Dr. Lisa Ryan, PhD, RNutr discusses the latest research on the effects of brain injury and how nutrition may have a role in brain health recovery.

Learn answers to questions like:

  1. What is a concussion/brain injury?
  2. What physiological effect does it have on the body?
  3. How is concussion currently managed?
  4. Why might nutrition have a role to play?
  5. Which nutrients and non-nutrients are postulated to play a role?


Lisa Ryan, PhD

Head of the School of Science and Computing & Head of the Department of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition - ATU

Dr. Lisa RyanDr. Lisa Ryan, a Registered Nutritionist, joined ATU in 2015 from Monash University. Lisa co-founded the Irish Concussion Research Centre and is widely published in concussion, nutrition, and functional foods, with research focusing on female rugby players and concussion management.

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