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The Science of Umami Inspires Global Conversations Industry-Wide

Published on: Nov 18 2019

The recent Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute white paper, Umami: The Taste that Perplexes, has inspired numerous conversations in the food and beverage media on topics ranging from plant proteins to nutrition for healthy ageing.

Umami page 1As the fifth taste, umami is a flavor seeing increasing popularity and interest around the world. Authored by Dr. Nancy Rawson, associate director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia and a leading expert on taste, olfaction and nutrition, the white paper explains the nutritional and scientific bases for the emerging umami flavor that is increasingly being incorporated in Western foods and beverages.

Check out the media links below to see how our white paper links to global conversations about plant proteins, healthy ageing, calorie reduction, and more.


Food Dive: Why Umami is a Vital Flavor for Food.

Food Ingredients First: Limited Only by Imagination, Umami Applications Aid Salt Reformulation Naturally says KHNI

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North America

Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery (US): Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute White Paper Unravels the Science Behind Umami

Food Business News (US): October 2019 print edition

Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific Food Industry: Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute White Paper Unravels the Science Behind Umami

Food & Beverage Asia: Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute White Paper Unravels the Science Behind Umami


New Food Magazine (UK): White Paper explores the Science Behind Umami

Food & Drink Business Europe: Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute White Paper Unravels the Science Behind Umami


Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute

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