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Study Shows Wellmune® May Help Our Intestine Protect Us From Infection

Published on: Feb 12 2018

“The body’s intestinal barrier function allows for the absorption of things like nutrients and water, while simultaneously maintaining an effective defense against toxins and pathogens that can be harmful to our health,” explained Donald Cox, Ph.D., Kerry’s Director of R&D for Wellmune. “While these are preliminary results and more research is needed, Wellmune may protect barrier function during stress, which adds another proof point to the ingredient’s well-researched ability to support our overall health.”

Image of intestine

A newly published pre-clinical study with human donors demonstrated that Wellmune®, the natural immune health ingredient available in food, beverages, and supplements, may protect intestinal barrier function in adults when faced with stress. The study also provided new insights on how the proprietary yeast beta glucan works within the human body and the immune system.

The study, titled “A β-Glucan-Based Dietary Fiber Reduces Mast Cell-Induced Hyperpermeability in Ileum From Patients With Crohn’s Disease and Control Subjects” was conducted by researchers at the University of Örebro in Sweden and published in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, an Oxford academic journal.

For humans, chronic and acute stress can result in mast cell activation. This can weaken intestinal barrier function, which plays a key role in maintaining one’s health. The study measured Wellmune’s impact on activated mast cells in intestinal tissue from humans to identify positive effects on stress-induced decreases in intestinal barrier function. Preliminary data has revealed the novel finding that Wellmune may protect intestinal barrier function by blocking mast cell activation. These new results may have future implications for the understanding of the ingredient’s impact on digestive health issues related to intestinal barrier dysfunctions.


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