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Webinar – Fermented Foods: Stacking Up the Science

Published on: Apr 1 2020

This program qualifies for Certified Food Scientist (CFS) recertification contact hours (CH). CFS Certificants may claim a maximum of 1.0 CH for their participation in this program. For more information, please visit or email

Fermented foods have appeared on countless food and nutrition trends lists this year, seemingly rocketing to a top industry priority in a very short period of time. We’re seeing the word ‘fermented’ find its way into all aspects of food and beverages, not just cultured foods or probiotics.

When a trend grows this quickly, confusion and misinformation can often grow with it, making it hard to understand the best way to navigate this space.

In this webinar, our experts answer some of the biggest questions created in the wake of the rapidly growing fermented food trend.

How are fermented foods unique?

Did you know that “fermentation” has multiple definitions, but food fermentations have a very specific meaning and intent? Learn the science of how fermented foods are made, why fermentation is used, and the expert consensus on how to define and talk about fermented foods.

What do people believe about fermented foods?

We review how perceptions about fermented foods are driving changes in the market, including:

  • Foundational shifts in the industry landscape
  • Consumer beliefs about the health benefits of fermented foods
  • How fermentation technology is being used for taste

What do we really know, and what can we expect in the near future?

Trends often get ahead of science and regulations, so we review the state of the science on fermented foods, existing and upcoming research on health benefits, and more to help you feel confident in your understanding of what fermented foods can really do.

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Maria Marco, Ph.D.

Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology - University of California, Davis, USA

Maria Marco, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California, Davis, USA. The goal of Maria’s research is to guide food production to benefit human health. Her research focuses on probiotics in foods, specifically lactic acid bacteria in food systems and the mammalian digestive tract, as well as fermented foods and prebiotics.

Emma Cahill, MSc

Global Strategic Marketing Director - Kerry

Emma is a Global Strategic Marketing Director in Food Protection and Preservation at Kerry. Emma has a BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Science and an MSc in International Marketing Practice, both from University College Dublin, Ireland. Emma partners with her technical colleagues, to translate microbiological innovation into actionable insight for the market, informing the next generation of consumer-friendly food protection.

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